Hi everyone. Lot’s to get through today, so this is how I’m going to do it – I’ll start with a summary of Leanna, then I’ll address the polls and debates from last week.
Leanna – The summary
A lot has changed when it comes to Leanna, and I know that not everyone checks the blog every single week, so I feel it’s appropriate to have a summarizing description so everyone knows exactly what’s happening.
Leanna is an upcoming, free game for the site.
Leanna Marseilles is a local news anchor for the city the player lives in. I’ll be reusing the premise that the player is a photographer again (though not necessarily the same photographer as seen in other games). You are initially hired by the studio to do some formal publicity shots of Leanna, however, as you are doing so, you witness an argument between the journalist and her assistant, Kristen, who then quits.
It transpires that the two were preparing to take part in a TV quiz show in two weeks time. The premise of the quiz (as inspired by an episode of American Dad), has teams of two ‘best friends’ answering question on each other. Whoever gets the most questions right, wins the show.
Leanna has a bit of a personality problem (she’s a bitch), and so doesn’t have any friends. When asked to appear on the quiz, she therefore asked her assistant instead. Since Kristen has now quit, the player offers to be her partner instead. Leanna hesitantly agrees.
What follows is the main body of the game. The two of you spend 2 weeks together, over which time you ‘fake’ your friendship by joining in as many activities and visiting as many places as possible (essentially dates), while taking as many photos as possible to be shown at the quiz. You also crash course each other’s history, learning as many favorite movies, songs, hobbies etc as possible.
Along the way of course, romance can flourish, and Leanna’s bitchy personality can be improved to the point where she’s a much nicer person by the end of the game.
Leanna is intended to the the first of a new generation of games. Instead of using the normal base models and software, I am using the Genesis 3 bases (a new, more detailed cgi model), and I will be rendering everything in daz studio with IRAY, which provides a much more realistic look to everything.
As usually with my games, you will be able to play as either male or female, though as a test I’m not going to add an ethnicity option (I checked the stats and hardly anyone uses them). As a new mechanic, I’m also adding the option of switching camera angles during certain scenes (such as sex scenes). It will be entirely optional, and if you’re male, you will never see the face of the MPC in order to maintain the illusion that it’s you. For the FPC though, I’ll just be showing everything.
Here’s the image of the new character selection screen so that you can see what I mean.
I will also be upgrading the image size for this game from 1280×720, to 1700×1000. I have a 4k monitor now, and old sizes were far too small. The new size should just the the right fit for the normal 1920×1080 screens too.
The polls and karma
The plan recently with this game was to have a ‘karma’ variable which applied to Leanna and that the player can slowly alter through the game. Initially, Leanna has very bad karma (as she is not a particularly nice person), and through choices and actions, the player can improve her karma. Should she end up with ‘good karma’ at the end of the game, you would get a ‘nice’ ending, but if she had ‘bad karma’, you would get a ‘nasty’ ending. I’ve been through a few scenarios of what this nasty ending could be, from S&M style setups to some sort of orgy where Leanna makes you watch her have sex with a bunch of guys.
None of these scenes really resonated with me though as I’m not into their fetishes. It was also worth mentioning that it’s unlikely that any of you were really into them either. Generally speaking, people are attracted to a site’s erotic content when it shares the same interests they do. I’ve never had any serious S&M or boy+boy+girl scenes, so they’re probably not your thing either. The polls I posted on the blog seemed to confirm this.
So, what am I into then? Public exhibitionism! Yeah, I don’t know if I’ve ever officially stated this, but this is totally my fetish, and if you look back though my games, it’s probably pretty obvious to you. Nearly every game I’ve made has sex somewhere you’re not supposed to be, streaky, public photoshoots etc. Betsy alone has photoshoots in 3 different public locations, sex at a school, sex in a nightclub, Betsy flashing a little at said nightclub, Violet dancing naked at a public pool, and of course some brief on stage nudity.
So, I decided that’s what I’m going for. An ending where the player and Leanna have a ‘rampage’ of sex and nudity in as many public places as possible.
The problem with this so, is that it doesn’t really fit with the idea of ‘low karma’. A person is perfectly capable of having both good karma and sex in a public place.
All of the potential ‘low karma’ endings, were generally quite nasty, which doesn’t really fit with the tone of the site. I was also concerned that, if it becomes about deliberately making her have poor karma, it becomes a corruption game (a common sub-genre of erotic games), and I don’t want to become about debasing Leanna.
So, I can’t remember what series of thoughts brought me to it, but I decided that this should be all about Leanna’s ‘facade’. At the beginning of the game, she has a mean and very conservative outlook on life, but as you get to know her, you find that she has a much kinder and naughtier side which has been suppressed for many years now. The facade is the fake version of herself which she created for the sake of her news channel persona, and has consumed her. Your mission is to break it down.
I like this. It means you’re making her naughtier, but it’s not in a negative, debasing sort of way. It actually has quite a positive message about being true to yourself. It also has similar game logistics to the ‘confidence’ level in Betsy, but is very different at the same time. It’ll also be working backwards, the ‘facade’ will start off at 100, with your aim being to reduce it to 0 for the best ending.
So, that’s where everything is right now, and I very happy with it.
So, how does all of that sound to you?

Finally, I’ll leave you with this image from when you meet Leanna in a bar at the start of the game. It may be the most beautiful, detailed image I’ve ever done, and it really shows the advantages of using Daz studio and IRAY.