Now, that The Academy : Part 2 has been released, It’s time for a quick summary of what I’ve been doing over the past month.
First though, since the last blog post had a lot people dicussing hints and tips for Academy Part 2, it seems prudent to mention the new lagoon for those who aren’t aware. It’s a forum that specializes in erotic games, and it has a thread discussing dsp3000s game already :
EDIT : Walkthroughs for The Academy Part 1 & 2 now added to the members area, under the ‘help’ section.
Feel free to continue discussing the game on this blog if you wish, but I find reading a forum thread much easier that wading through blog comments. It should be fairly easy to find hints and door codes there if you need them.
So, what have I been up to?
Well, first of all, I’ve been experimenting with some new base models. Most of my characters use something called the “Victoria 4” base, but there has been newer base models released over the last few years, most notably the “Genesis”. These new bases produce characters with more realistic body shapes and higher resolution skins. The new versions of Daz studio also come with something called a IRAY render, which can also produce much more details images.
I’ve also been trying to decide what my next game should be. Here’s the options I’ve been considering…
Option 1 : Crystal
I’m still considering Crystal Part 3. I have a story and premise I’m very happy with, but I’m kinda feeling like I want to work with something new. I love Crystal, but it’s not like I haven’t done anything with her before.
Option 2 : Mia
A character I created a while ago, but have yet to use is Mia. I seem to be really into her right now, so I have more enthusiasm toward the idea of a game with her. It would also balance out the ethnicities of the characters in my games a bit more.
Option 3 : A set of new characters all with Genesis and iRAY.
A third option I like is something a bit more story driven and with a selection of characters all made with Genesis and rendered in Daz Studio for maximum quality. This could be another pool party game or something similar. So, not really a date game, but four or five characters in one situation, all of which have naughty scenarios to unlock.
Here’s a poll to have your say (also feel free to comment below as well, of course). I’m not guaranteeing that whichever option is most popular will be what happens, but I’m hoping for something to help me make up my mind.
Before you vote, I encourage everyone to look through the images below first so you can see what all of the characters will potentially look like.
It is also worth noting that, I will probably end up doing Crystal Part 3 no matter what, so you would just be voting on whether or not I do another game first.

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There’s also one more brief thing I wanted to discuss.
For a few years now, I’ve always had the option of choosing your gender and ethnicity. Are people really bothered about having this choice though? I was looking through the site statistics and a majority of players just play as a white male.
If I didn’t have to render four sets of animations for all of the gender and ethnicity combinations (plus anything else I have to do for them), I could probably produce even bigger games, or at the very least more games per year.
So, keeping that in mind, do you think I should just have the player character being a white male, or do you think it’s important to have the other options?

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Here are the preview images for each possible game for your consideration…
I’ve subtly upgraded Crystal for her part 3 appearance, giving her a bit more muscle tone. This makes more sense with the plot I’ve developed as she is now competing professionally as a swimmer.


Random characters I put together using Genesis 2 and iRAY. I probably won’t be using these exact characters for a ‘pool part 2’, or whatever I make, but you can see examples of the body shapes and skin details from these images.