May 21st update

Next game

Good news (I think)! I seem to have decided on what my next game will be for the site.

I wanted something casual that wouldn’t take too much of my time to create, but I also want it to be something that will be satisfying for people to play.

So, my idea is a ‘missing scenes’ game. Essentially, it will be a collection of mini games which showcase either a missing part of one of my other games, or a new epilogue.

The base game will be something along the lines of :

  • Leanna. A sequence from your fist vacation together as a couple following the main game.
  • Crystal. Naughty escapades around when she wins the medal at the end of her game.
  • Sukiko. Not sure yet to be honest.

Each story will include sex and exhibitionism, and will probably be fairly linear, but hopefully very satisfying.

It’s also very possible that I will add more stories to the game. with other characters I’m planning to have this finished for August, so I’ll see how much free time I have.


I’m not sure where I’m going to use her, but I also did a redraft of Debbie recently.

What do you all prefer? The new version, or the old?

May 7th Update

Just a small post today.

Public nudity!

Last year I posted some alternative images from Leanna where she seemed to have forgotten her clothes in key scenes. It seemed quite popular.

So, since Molly and Marianna was just released for free, why not do the same for that game? Enjoy!

Next game

Next week, or perhaps the week after, I’ll be discussing what I’m planning for my next game,